Colorado Alumni
Show List of Colorado's Lafayette Alumni

The Colorado Area Lafayette College Alumni Club was formed in 1980 and continues to provide a connection to the college for many of our school's alumni. We organize a number of events each year with the purpose of bringing together local alumni.

Our cornerstone event each year is on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, when we join with our Colorado Lehigh club friends in a local Denver area sports bar to watch an annual satellite telecast of our much heralded football game. Our two schools have the longest and most played football rivalry of any two colleges or universities in the nation. Up to this point in 2025, since 1864, we have played 160 games. Lafayette has managed to win more than half of those contests (81-72-5 (as of June 2023)). The annual game is played at Lafayette in even years and at Lehigh in odd years.

Over the past 45 years here in Colorado, we have held symphony nights, hockey nights, golf outings, museum wine and cheese functions, white water rafting trips, picnics, dinners & lunches with the President and much more.

If you are a Lafayette alumn and would like to be more involved in local alumni affairs, we would be happy to have you contact us.

Several of us also act as Lafayette's Colorado area AAR (Admissions Area Representatives) to help applying students from Colorado get a more personal feel for our School.

If you're a high school student or parent of same and looking for a consistently highly ranked college with demanding standards, then check us out on these sites .. Frances Mahoney Schulz '04
Lafayette College Denver Area Alumni Chapter
Send me an Email.

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